The Republican scientific journal «QAZAQTANÝ» of the M. Auezov University of South Kazakhstan, dedicated to December 16 – «Independence Day» and December 26 - the 130th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding personality - Turar Ryskulov, published issue 4 (24) 12/2024 for the 4th quarter of 2024
One of such socio-political and statesmen in the territory of the Turkestan region, which at that time was a strategically important object of both border areas, favorable in terms of natural and climatic conditions for the development of various types of socio-economic sectors of the economy, and an outpost for the establishment of diplomatic relations with Central Asian and Middle Eastern countries, was the young Kazakh Turar Ryskulov - (1894- 1938).
Read more about The Republican scientific journal «QAZAQTANÝ» of the M. Auezov University of South Kazakhstan, dedicated to December 16 – «Independence Day» and December 26 - the 130th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding personality - Turar Ryskulov, published issue 4 (24) 12/2024 for the 4th quarter of 2024