On the eve of Independence Day, the 20th issue of QAZAQTANÝ magazine was published


On the eve of December 16, the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and congratulating on the 80th anniversary of Auezov_university, the Republican scientific journal «QAZAQTANÝ» of the M.Auezov UCU with best wishes to all scientists and teachers of the university and its partners for the growth of achievements in the field of science, education and culture, released its anniversary issue - 4 (20) 12 / 2023.
We are glad that over the many years of the formation of our university, along with the high rates of development of scientific and educational technologies, cooperation has been growing for 5 years and in our journal "QAZAQTANÝ", the results of scientific works of scientists-teachers of the republic and abroad of the humanitarian and pedagogical direction are published.
In the current edition, the editorial board of the journal has published rare materials by young scientists in the field of Abai studies - Abai's reflections on the formation and history of the Kazakh ethnic group, the concept of Abai's teaching «Integral Man», studies of the poem «Masgud». An overview of historiography in the field of Turkology, reflections on the main trade routes connecting Europe and Asia on the Great Silk Road in international relations, as well as on the development and current state of the Kazakh language and literature in the philological direction, in the sections of new research in the field of political science, economics and jurisprudence, Kazakhstan's state policy in the field of education, achievements and main trends in valuable information that has received practical application have been published jointly with foreign authors.
The editorial board thanks all the authors and scientific partners for the projects created in the scientific partnership. The full version of the publication is archived on the website https://qazaqtany.auezov.edu.kz will be entered into the database of the RSCI, KINC, IP Smart, the fund of the «National Library» of the Republic of Kazakhstan. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mo18AL8MTx4SgYUEhxwOqnr-5AKmLypR/view?usp=sharing