The Republican scientific journal «QAZAQTANÝ» of the M. Auezov University of South Kazakhstan, dedicated to December 16 – «Independence Day» and December 26 - the 130th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding personality - Turar Ryskulov, published issue 4 (24) 12/2024 for the 4th quarter of 2024
One of such socio-political and statesmen in the territory of the Turkestan region, which at that time was a strategically important object of both border areas, favorable in terms of natural and climatic conditions for the development of various types of socio-economic sectors of the economy, and an outpost for the establishment of diplomatic relations with Central Asian and Middle Eastern countries, was the young Kazakh Turar Ryskulov - (1894- 1938).
Turar Ryskulov's socio-political and state activities are one of the brightest pages in the history of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Turar Ryskulov became the first Kazakh leader at the international level, recognized at a high level of the ruling government, was often an adviser on solving important and mutually beneficial issues for the indigenous population, was able to reorganize economic sectors that still have their historical value, are used and in demand now, and his short but eventful life story, which ended like this Unfairly, it was consigned to oblivion for many years, the disclosure of new facts on archival materials does not lose its relevance and gives researchers the basis for preparing objectively correct judgments about his personal qualities for the younger generation, the role and historical significance for the history of Kazakhstan and the history of Central Asian countries.
December 26, 2024 marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding personality - Turar Ryskulov, his socio-political and state activities remain in the memory and history of the Kazakh people, as one of the bright pages of the history of Kazakhstan and the entire Turkic world. The first article of the journal contributes to the study of new facts from the life and state activities of Turar Ryskulov, giving a comparative analysis, systematization of archival materials by branches of the person's work, assessing the role and historical value of an unforgettable personality, whose contribution will forever remain in the history of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia and the whole of Central Asia.
The editorial board of the republican scientific journal «QAZAQTANÝ» thanks the authors who published their research in this area, revealing another, but valuable historically important information from the social and political life of Turar Ryskulov. In addition, the editorial board of the journal thanks the authors who published their research in this area at the international conference «The Idea of Turar and Turkestan», revealing valuable historically significant information from the socio-political life of Turar Ryskulov.
As a result of scientific internships in the field of history, ethnology, Turkology, migration of the population from the Republic of Uzbekistan, scientists, teachers, doctoral students and undergraduates of Auez University, touched upon topical issues of economics, law, sociology, pedagogy and creative orientation.
The editorial board thanks all the authors and scientists for the projects created in scientific partnership and reminds that the full electronic version of the publication will be posted in the archive of the site /, entered into the databases of the RSCI, KINC, IP Smart, the Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan «National Library».