About the Journal



The Republican scientific journal «QAZAQTANÝ» was registered with the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Communications on January 15, 2019 in accordance with the order «On registration, re-registration of a periodical, news agency and online publication» and issued certificate No. 17493. Mukhtar Auyezov South Kazakhstan University, in accordance with the above certificate, issued an order on the editorial board of the scientific publication No. 39-nk on January 30, 2019. Received ISSN 2708-0897 for the scientific journal. On the basis of Agreement No. 260 dated July 05, 2019, it was entered into the database of the Russian Scientific Citation Index of the RSCI, where each published edition is entered.

For the distribution of publications to republican institutions, the republican scientific journal «QAZAQTANÝ» has been entered into the catalog of newspapers and magazines of the Kazpost Exciner Society with the index 76112. In addition, it acts in pursuance of the strategic plan of the M.Auezov SKU for 2019-2023, 2020-2025, and the program article of the Head of State K.K.Tokayev «Independence above all» dated 5.01.2021, which became a purposeful document for a qualitative and in-depth approach and development of scientific, historical, cultural, social-economic and political, pedagogical, creative and philological directions in higher education of the republic through scientific publications in this direction.

The purpose of the journal: a deep understanding of the issues raised in the articles and conducting extensive research, systematization of research work based on the creation of international multidisciplinary teams, in which, along with Kazakhstani scientists, foreign specialists will be involved, contribute to the formation of historical consciousness, the dissemination of new ideas.

The scientific journal was established in order to publish the results of scientific research in the field of humanities, pedagogy, philology and creative directions. Important results of theoretical analytical nature, scientific articles of practical significance, discussion materials on topical issues in the field of fundamental and applied research of methodological, applied and experimental nature of scientists-teachers, undergraduates, doctoral students, specialists of other organizations of the republican and international level.

Thematic sections of the magazine -

humanities: history of Kazakhstan; rehabilitation of victims of political repression; general history; archeology; ethnology; Turkology; archival; museum; library; political science; philosophy; cultural studies; jurisprudence; international relations; economics; sociology; local history; ethnopolitical and ethnocultural processes of modern Kazakhstan.

the direction of pedagogical sciences: pedagogy and teaching methods; psychology and inclusive education.

direction of philological sciences: thematic headings: linguistics and literature; language learning in the cognitive aspect - the basis of intercultural communication;

creative direction: art (music; choreography, theater); fine arts and design (vocational training).

The conclusion on the possibility of publishing an article in the journal is made on the basis of the conclusion of the editorial board of the journal, the composition of which was approved by the order of the Chairman of the Board - the Rector of the M.Auezov UCU. The Republican scientific journal «QAZAQTANÝ» is published 4 times a year, every quarter: at the end of March, June, September, December. Working languages: kazakh, russian, English

